Why I have Hope for our Collective Future

These Are Transformative Times

Have you noticed that we’re in the midst of a massive change of consciousness? The shadow aspects of our cultural beliefs are bringing to the surface many long-standing, deep contradictions in our collective values. It’s playing out as a culture war, and the intensity is escalating.

At the same time, we are ushering in the Aquarian age of global interconnection, where we have instant access to all the world’s knowledge from our phones in the palm of our hands. For the first time ever, we can witness earth shattering events in real time, seeing and sensing the full range of our humanity - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Changes are accelerating exponentially, before we can even make sense of them.

As a species, we are newbies taking in this volume of information and are still figuring out what to do with it. We’re learning on the fly, fumbling our way around, not knowing how to relate to one another as global citizens, making mistakes and course-correcting as we go. We are also experiencing turbulence in our economic and social systems, and the uncertainty feels chaotic.

But take heart: The Universe is a self-regulating system. Here’s how we can each tip the scales for a positive outcome.

  1. The late Wayne Dyer, Ph.D. said “What you are against, weakens you. What you are for, strengthens you.” Keep your spirits uplifted and your energy strong by intentionally focusing on what you are FOR.

  2. Remember that energy follows attention. What we focus on expands to fill our experience. You can train your mind scan your environment to find those who are building solutions, and refocus your attention towards being part of the solution.

  3. Your energy matters. When you make a habit of focusing on solutions, you become a positive influence on the world around you. Your energy ripples outward and affects everyone you come in contact with.

  4. When you create, your “state” infuses your creation. At any given moment, your predominant emotional state influences whatever you are creating. You can imagine that your emotional state is like a colored beam of light, and projects a wash of that color into whatever you’re doing. Now imagine shining a beautiful glowing light of appreciation and gratitude into everything you do and notice how that elevates your energy. Imagine how the world could be if we all approached life from that state!

  5. Thoughts become things. Shared collections of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions create a force in the energetic field. As individuals, we can each play a role by directing the forcefield of our attention on what we appreciate, what’s already working, and supporting those who are developing regenerative solutions.

Instead of focusing on what we are against, let’s aim our collective attention on what we are FOR.

I have reason to believe that amazing new positive social systems are being birthed right now, even if we can’t see them yet. I’m learning about and connecting with amazing networks of evolutionary leaders, visionary healers, and purpose-driven entrepreneurs who are developing ethical and sustainable solutions that support the highest good of all. That helps to restore my faith in humanity!

I like reading The Optimist Daily, a source of positive news about what’s going right in the world. I appreciate the technical and scientific innovations like the ones at At One Ventures that can solve many of our current problems (while making the technologies that are hurting our planet obsolete). I admire the work of Dr. Anneloes Smitsman and her team at the EARTHwise Centre in building a constitution for a “benevolent Artificial Intelligence” (AI). My colleagues at Kinship Earth are implementing a trust-based philanthropy protocol called Flow Funding to help get charitable contributions directly to communities where funds are needed most.

All over the world, remarkable people are actively developing brilliant solutions. Let’s shine the light of our attention on them, and others like them, and help tip the scales of humanity’s survival in a positive direction.

As individuals and as a collective, let’s remember that what we focus on matters. Yes, we are swept up in turbulent geologic and geopolitical conditions, but we can resist getting pulled off course by the prevailing winds of fear, hate, and cynicism that are blowing around all of our social channels. Don’t be part of the problem. Be part of the solution.

May we each rise up to become our best selves in these rapidly changing, turbulent times. May we work together to create a more peaceful world, and leave the planet better than we found it for future generations of all life. We can contribute to this collective reality by remembering that the simple truth that we are all interconnected and what goes around, comes around.

What “arrows of energy” are you sending out into the world?

Remember that one of the invisible laws of the Universe is that what you put out (in thought, word, and deed) returns to you multiplied. Instead of cursing or condemning what you are against, imagine you can send out arrows of blessings. Focus your aim on making a meaningful contribution, and on creating a ripple effect that supports a healthy, loving, and sustainable world.


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Questions to Ask Before Setting Your Intentions